Monday, October 10, 2011

A rant to my Poor parents who didn't deserve it at all...

Hello Mama and Dad,

            Watching and reading foreign news reports, our military reports, and all this raw footage its amazing what doesn’t make the news here. I use to criticize the Chinese for putting up with such censorship of their media and joke about ours being controlled. I’m not joking anymore. It is actually very scary. I feel horrible about what we have done and continue to do.
I can only blame us for rolling over and ever accepting all this. We have allowed it to happen and every day joke or shrug it off. We all see it happen but apathy is so easy. We don’t care that we know we are not getting the real news. It sickens me. My tax dollars are stripped from me and rather than pay for roads, schools, medical science, transportation, energy research, or NASA things I actually care about I know it will be used to terrorize and murder. I see video testimony from military members that left and spoke out. I wish I could have been that strong. I can claim ignorance for the first 2 years, but I served for nearly four years realizing the horror that we were doing and barely said anything because I didn’t want to upset the people around me. I’m sure that the dead, starving, and displaced people understand that though.

I remember when I use always say oh I don’t support the war but I support the troops. Now I know I only said that because how can I say that they shouldn’t being taking up arms or supporting the war machine when I did the very same thing. I was probably a lot more aware of it than most as well which makes it worse. How can I say hey I don’t support you joining and I don’t support you continuing to serve when I couldn’t do the same myself? I suppose I always knew I would come to a head with the military but I think my soul would have been much better served had I stood up for what was right rather than drinking myself out.

I feel that we are all so used by our government. Everyone seems not to care that they are. We watch has our world falls apart with corporate greed and no one takes personal responsibility. We are all so concerned with making sure we do less work for more money and that “no one gets the better of us”. So we shirk our actual jobs, we find ourselves miserable with what we do. Is this the misplaced anger of what we know to be going on around us? We are a petty weak people but we shall be a grand example for the rest of the world on what NOT to do. To have so much and to throw it all away. The greatest gift the American people shall ever give the world is what a spoiled child looks like as a country.  Just like the empires before us each one is better. They are always stronger, grander, discovering more amazing new concepts and of course respect the individual’s freedom more. The Persians, the Romans, the English, the French the Germans and the Americans all grand Empires of example. And we always took the best and learned from the mistakes to an extent. The one that comes after ours should be truly grand, well I hope I live long enough to see it.

Every time I think I have it all figured out I later discover how ignorant I was. All around me all anyone is concerned about is money. Some for personal greed, some because it’s the only thing they have left to make them happy and others because it really is the only way to feed their families.

Yet I see the same people that bitch about not being able to buy something for themselves or their kids they go and buy new phones that are completely unnecessary, some sort of gas guzzling machine or other random wastes of money. I see people claim awareness of what we are doing with gas and than buy another gas guzzler when they have absolutely no use for it. Its almost like they really don’t have any self control. Why do you need that? Don’t you know you’ll just be unhappy with it in a few months? Don’t you know it will be junk in a year?

Or girls will gush about how cool trucks are. Fuck trucks. Unless you have an actual use for buying one fuck you too. I see people all around me aware but uncaring. It is like watching people poison themselves knowing exactly what they are doing but pretends its just water. I hear people criticize folks for getting a “Smart Car” or anything small and laugh when some other guy rams it with his big car. Alright yeah calling it a smart car was a stupid thing to do… not so smart anymore are u smart guy… but that they aren’t good to buy because there are to many other jackasses on roads that don’t know how to drive and hit you doesn’t make them a bad buy, means you live around a bunch of ignorant jackasses who can’t drive. Than they will laugh about how when they hit you they didn’t even feel it in their over sized environmental foot stomp.

I feel like putting a sticker on my car to make sure everyone knows that people died for the gas we are driving.
It would probably read something dumb like “HEY BUDDY, PEOPLE DIED AND WE KILLED EM SO YOU COULD MAKE BELIEVE YOU DON”T HAVE A SMALL DICK” and I’d probably get rammed, but boy I’d laugh my ass off when I saw the look on their face.

Every company, including ones I use to believe in sacrifice providing an actual service to the community, like a good product, to save money here or there. They don’t ever really believe in the mission. They tolerate laziness and half assed worked rather than cause a fuss and possible harassment charges? Or because they can’t very well tell others to stay on target when they themselves don’t really do anything. Business executives are one the more useless fields and the best paid go figure. They don’t do any problem solving they just hear there is a problem and tell others to fix it. All they do is pad their own bill away from the company.
I defiantly have lost my Zen; I was in a good zone for a couple months there. I guess I cut back on the yoga and going to temple. Irish anger, it’s a bitch.

Sorry for the language but that’s the nature of rant from your son,


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